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Many people wonder if it is the Role of food in fighting cancer, what nutrients and naturals help fight cancer, and if antioxidants play a significant role in fighting cancer?
The answer to all questions is sure, as there is strong evidence that some types of fruits and vegetables rich in vegetables can be instrumental in preventing tumor growth from the outset.
In many types of fruits, vegetables, and food, antioxidants are essential in reducing the likelihood of cancer, the most prominent of which are antioxidants:
Role of food in fighting cancer
Vitamin C.
Beta Carotene.
The Essential Foods that have a Role in Fighting Cancer
It was also previously stated that the Role of nutrition in cancer treatment exists, and represents this Role through several varieties, classified as follows:
Many vegetables play a role in contributing to cancer prevention and reducing the severity if infected, including:
Broccoli, Cauliflower, Turnips, Cabbages of all kinds
Moreover, these varieties contain many anti-cancer substances, such as isothiocyanate, which has a role in preventing cancers in general.
Dark Leafy Vegetables
Leafy vegetables, especially dark vegetables, contain a high amount of fiber, folic acid, and a wide range of carotenoid antioxidants, all of which play a significant role in the fight against cancer.
Among the most prominent leafy vegetables that include under the list of the Role of food in cancer treatment:
Spinach: Containing chemicals called chlorophyllin can play a significant role in reducing the risk of liver cancer.
Lettuce: lettuce is one of the essential vegetables on the list of food roles in cancer treatment.
Tomatoes are effective in preventing cancer because they contain antioxidants known as lycopene, which are responsible for giving them red and flavonoids.
Lycopene in tomatoes has been found to lower the risk of many cancers, especially prostate, breast, lung cancer, and colon cancer.
Garlic and Onions
Garlic and onions are the most prominent foods that can be placed on the list of food roles in cancer treatment.
It contains many anti-cancer substances, including glycine and selenium.
The studies show that antioxidant properties that play an active role in protecting against cancers, especially gastrointestinal cancers, breast and prostate cancers.
Sweet Potatoes
Sweet potatoes contain beta-carotene antioxidants, which are very important in reducing the risk of infection.
Especially lung and colon cancer, breast, head, neck, prostate, and stomach cancer.
Beta-carotene prevents certain cancers by strengthening white blood cells in the immune system that prevent and eliminate cell-damaging free radicals.
The list of the Role of food in cancer treatment is not over as fruits have a role in it, and one of the most prominent fruits contributing to the prevention and treatment of cancer is:
Pomegranates contain many phytonutrients and antioxidants from flavonoids and polyphenols, which work together as a very effective ingredient to fight diseases, slowing the growth of cancer cells.
Thus reducing the risk of cancer.
Grapefruit contains vitamin c, an antioxidant found in many fruits and vegetables such as oranges, peppers, and cauliflower. These foods are under the list of food roles in cancer treatment.
Vitamin c helps prevent the formation of cancer-causing nitrogen compounds.
Vitamin c has been linked to reducing the risk of cancers.
Such as stomach, colon, esophageal, and bladder cancers, breast cancer, and cervix.
Berries and Grapes
Both grapes and cranberries contain potent antioxidants called Ellagic acid, anthocyanosides, and an antioxidant called Pterostilbene.
Studies show that berries are in high quantities in berries, making it an anti-cancerous characteristic.
The role of food in cancer treatment is ubiquitous, as many foods help reduce the spread of cancer.
It is mentionĀ in the following:
Such as beans, peas, and lentils, contain a good percentage of antioxidants as they are rich in vitamin E, which is one of the most potent antioxidants.
Soybeans: the active ingredient in soybeans is genistein, a plant estrogen that protects against cancer.
contains a high amount of vitamin e, a vitamin that reduces the risk of stomach, colon, lung, and liver cancers and other types of cancers.
Flaxseed is rich in omega-3 acids, which can help prevent cancer by inhibiting the proliferation and growth of cancer cells.
Spices and Herbs
spices and herbs are classified as food in cancer treatment. And also, are very effective in this regard, most notably:
It contains antioxidants and compounds that help stop the growth of cancer cells and prevent cellular mutations that contribute to cancer development.
So drinking tea of all kinds, such as green tea, black and white, regularly may have a positive role in your life.
turmeric contains the active substance curcumin, which acts as an anti-inflammatory and antioxidant, helping prevent cancer, especially breast, stomach, liver. And also, lung cancer.
Fish is a source of amazing quality protein and a low-fat source, and salmon, in particular, is included in cancer prevention as it contains:
Omega-3: found to have a role in delaying or reducing the development of breast and prostate cancer.
After recognizing the list of Role of food in fighting cancer
It should be remembered that an anti-cancer diet or the use of supplements does not mean that it is an alternative to recommends treatments for cancer, such as chemotherapy. And also, radiation.
But instead to support medical cancer treatment and not to replace it.